About MYKA

From the performance The Night. Photo: Morten Arnfred

MYKA was established in 2013 by My Grönholdt (SE/DK) and Katya R. D. Nielsen (FO/DK), dancers and choreographers, educated from The Danish National School for Performing Arts. The company is now led by My Grönholdt.

MYKA creates art that opens the eyes to the magical part of our reality. With unique performances, installations and interdisciplinary experiences, they appeal to both children and adults. MYKA focus on quality and choreographic stagecraft for children aged 0 to 5 years. By mixing choreography, spatial 360-degree spaces and socially relevant themes, MYKA creates art that invites reflection across ages.

Photo: Wilfred Gachau

MYKA insists that the youngest deserve high-quality performing arts as a natural part of their upbringing and life. The company’s vision is to contribute to a more sensuous, present, playful, creative and empathetic society. In all performances there is a heartfelt message when the company unfolds current and relevant themes in magical universes, inspired by nature, animals and natural phenomena.

MYKA’s works are performed on many different stages and locations, from large theaters to kindergartens. All production involves a strong artistic team where collaboration is key – with a focus on the young child at the centre.

MYKA consists of a composition of a dedicated team consisting of artistic director, choreographer and dancer My Grönholdt, administrator and advisor Jens Christian Jensen and creative producer Sofia Wickman. Together, they have created a form of collaboration based on respect, passion for high-quality art for the young audience and the pursuit of sustainable solutions.

From the performance Ocean. Photo: Morten Arnfred

The Method

MYKA specialises in creating magical, aesthetic and sensory performing arts experiences with exceptionally high artistic values. MYKA’s work is based upon its extensive research and studies concerning children’s’ perception. These studies have show that children naturally mirror their parent’s experiences. This means that should for example, the parents become bored when watching a piece of theatre made for children, this affects the child’s experience. The research indicates that children from as young as 4 months old experiences have a full sensory reaction to their parents, and that their development  is highly dependent on sensory stimulation.

MYKA begins with its research and thereafter draws on all the creative resources  at its disposal in the development of its work. The creative team also always make sure to include consultants and experts in every field they work in. The creative process is based on co-creation, brainstorming with artistic director My Grönholdt taking detailed notes throughout the process to reach clarity in the creative coherence of the work that emerges.

MYKA’s works are always about a very current topic. A strong example is climate change – a subject vitally important to many people, yet one which can seem very overwhelming for both children and adults. 

In MYKA’s universe, is translating the important and topical issues are translated, and brought to a magical universe – and suddenly Polar bears appear on stage and children and adults are transported to a new world, where big topics can be more easily digested, experienced and understood.

About My Grönholdt

Photo: Wilfred Gachau

My Grönholdt (1986) is a Swedish choreographer, dancer and performer based in Denmark. She is educated from The Danish National School for Performing Arts 2011, with internships with Sasha Waltz, Troika Ranch in Berlin and Katie Duck in Amsterdam.

Privately, My is a mother of three, trained yoga teacher specializing in birth, pregnancy, postpartum, children and families and has for the past 12 years taught dance for children, adolescents and families. My has been selected to be part of the Young Artistic Elite (Den Unge Kunstneriske Elite) by The Danish Arts Foundation, which has also supported My and MYKA as part of the House Artist Scheme (Huskunstnerordningen).

The Team behind MYKA

Photo: Wilfred Gachau

The team behind MYKA consist of artistic director and choreographer My Grönholdt, creative producer Sofia Wickman and administrator and adviser Jens Christian Jensen.

MYKAs Board

Lisbeth Klixbüll, chairperson
Lisbeth is managing director at the theatre Aaben Dans in Roskilde.

Trine Heller Jensen
Trine is festival manager for PASSAGE Festival in Helsingør.

Anna Ross Agner
Anna is pedagogue/educator within performing arts and teacher.

Adelaide Bentzon
Adelaide is festival director at Horsens Theatre Festival for children and young people.

About the web page

The design of this web page has been done by Nete Banke from Imperiet, and the web page has been set up and coded by Jan Hesselvig Krogh

Animated logo by Nete Banke, Imperiet.